DMC 100

DMC 100 For Dust Control, Road & Soil Stabilization

DMC 100 is a blend of proprietary agricultural byproducts and magnesium chloride. The adhesive properties of DMC 100 combined with the hygroscopic nature of MgCl2 enhances the road base performance by increasing stability and retaining fine soil particles. 


DMC 100 Benefits

  • Cleaner Air
  • Longer Lasting Road Base
  • Safer Roads and Driving Conditionss
  • Less Potholes and Less Washboarding
  • Improves Surface Durability

Ask Us About DMC 100

Contact us at Desert Mountain Corporation for more information about DMC 100, our more natural alternative to other dust control products.

Questions? Email us at or call (877) 718-3878.


Achieving the Best Results With DMC 100

Road surface preparation is extremely important in all DMC 100 applications. The better the road preparation and conditions, the more successful the application will be and the longer it will last.

These steps in the road stabilization process work together to achieve the best results:

  • Quality and composition of aggregate
  • Moisture
  • Road preparation
  • Compaction
  • Application rate

Additional Advantages of DMC 100

Road Stabilization

  • Less loss of road base
  • Reduces road maintenance
  • More value for the dollar

Improved Road Quality

  • Fewer potholes
  • Less washboarding
  • Safer roads

Dust Suppression

  • Keeps fines on road
  • Cleaner air
  • Reduces dust to PM10 standard

Pre Watering Before Application of Road Stabilization Products

Ensuring optimal moisture in a road or parking lot is essential for the successful application of our road stabilization products. With a rich history in business dating back to 1990, Desert Mountain's experienced team is well-equipped to collaborate with roads departments, ensuring the area reaches the ideal moisture levels for the project.

Click above to download our DMC 100 brochure.

DMC 100 Performance Highlights

DMC 100 is one of our top solutions for dust control when there are a lot of fines in the material. Its natural binding capabilities combined with the hygroscopic nature of magnesium chloride will increase the stability of the road and retain more of the base material.

Applying DMC 100 will help streatch the budgets of state, tribal, city, and county public works, those in the mining industry, forest service projects, construction companies, aggregate facilities, landfills, homeowner’s associations and much more.


Health, Toxicity & Environmental

DMC 100 is one of the least harmful dust suppressants on the market. From vegetation and groundwater, it is safer than other products. The key ingredients are free of toxic metals and substances. The combination of proprietary agricultural by-products and magnesium chloride ensure that the environment is considered as PM 2.5 and PM 10 standards are met. DMC 100 is non-Hazmat and non-DOT.


Road Preparation for DMC 100

By properly preparing the road for application, dust control or soil stabilization projects could last 2 to 3 times longer. Spending a little additional time and effort on the front end will eliminate unnecessary re-applications that would be required otherwise. Recommended techniques include blading the surface, eliminating potholes and washboarding, placing the right crown in the roadway, and pre-wetting the application area. You can learn more about how to build gravel roads in this document from the Federal Highway Administration, “Gravel Roads Construction & Maintenance Guide“.


"The combination of proprietary agricultural by-products and magnesium chloride ensure that the environment is considered as PM 2.5 and PM 10 standards are met."

Click the button below, or call our experts at (877) 718-3878

For Use On

  • Dirt Roads
  • Power Plants
  • Oil Field Roads & Pads
  • Mining Haul Roads

  • Pipelines
  • Parking Lots
  • Military Projects
  • Mine Tailings

  • Stock Piles
  • Forest Service Roads
  • Wind & Solar Farms
  • Compressor Sites

Dust Control Applications

When applied regularly as a part of an ongoing dust control program, application rates can decrease from the initial recommended 0.50 gallons per square yard. Continual use will help reduce road base loss. Temperature, humidity level, precipitation, and soil/aggregate type/gradation will impact the overall effectiveness of DMC 100.

Contact your Regional Sales Representative to learn more about DMC 100.


Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990