Dust Control Products and Benefits from Desert Mountain
Desert Mountain Corporation offers a complete line of dust control solutions and products. Ensuring the health and safety of local traffic and visitors on rural and metro area unpaved roads is our focus. Our road dust suppression products help prevent soil erosion and provide safe travel for residents, school buses, and emergency vehicles. We utilize proven environmentally friendly solutions and can also custom blend a product that works best for the soil type in your area.

Our Dust Control Products
Most companies only offer a few dust control products. At Desert Mountain Corporation, we offer over 15 different products.
Because what works well in Wyoming may not work in Arizona, and what works in New Mexico may not work in Idaho.
Soil types are different, and rainfall levels vary. Trust the company that will get out to your project, get their hands dirty, and find the right solution for your dust control issues.
Here are just a few of the products that we offer.
RoadSaver Application on Mine Road
Busy mine roads can create a lot of fugitive dust. We help keep the dust down with RoadSaver, our magnesium chloride product. Here you can see it being applied with our Tracked Application Machine.

Dust Control Programs
A Dust Control Program with products and application services from Desert Mountain Corporation can help reduce costs and may actually pay for itself. “Close analysis of annual maintenance expense could show the cost of dust control will pay for itself on roads with higher traffic. This comes from reduced material loss and frequency of blade maintenance.” (US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Gravel Roads Construction and Maintenance Guide).
When you maintain a consistent dust control program, it can help keep you in compliance for particle pollution (the PM10 and PM2.5 standards) from the CDC, EPA, DEQ and other agencies. It can also save you money in the long run.
Our dust control products have proven successful on a variety of roads:
- Gravel
- Clay
- Limestone
- Caliche
- Oil
- Sand
- Native Dirt
- Millings / RAP
- Recovered Chip Seal

Benefits of a Dust Control Program
Here are some important benefits of a Dust Control Program with Desert Mountain:
- Reduces aggregate loss
- Conserves water – constant watering is no longer required
- Saves money on labor and equipment cost
- Fewer potholes and less wash boarding
- Reduced vehicle damage
- Long-term cost savings – higher residual and reduced future application rates
- Improves public relations
- Non-toxic ingredients – not harmful to humans, animals, or plants
- Custom blends for specific climates or soil types
- Meet or exceed PM-10 standards
- Improve travel safety
- Reduce carbon footprint
- Reduce dust in agriculture areas where dust mites are a factor

Water Conservation
How important is a water conservation program to you?
Water is a finite resource and many areas of the Western United States are facing water shortages and rationing. When you use our products on your job sites, roads, and dirt lots, it will significantly reduce the need for constant watering on jobs.
Click the button below, or call our experts at (877) 718-3878
Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!
Mixed in with aggregates or recycled asphalt or applied topically, BaseBind® will stabilize roads and parking lots with long-lasting results. Ask us about BaseBind-X, BaseBind-2X, and BaseBind-3X - our advanced BaseBind solutions.