Dust Solutions for Every Situation
Desert Mountain Corporation has dust solutions for most earthen enviroments like dirt roads, parking lots, shoulders, overburden piles, mine tailings, and more. We can help with most materials that need to be stabilized to prevent blowing dust and DEQ violations.

When Do You Need A Dust Solution?
In order to avoid the attention and fines from air quality staff members at the city, county, state, and federal levels, it's a good idea have a dust control plan in place. Especially if you are near neighborhoods or shopping centers.
It doesn't matter if your business has been in the location for years - decades even - if there is dust blowing off of your property, you will get a call or notice mailed to you eventually.

Dust Solutions for Rural Areas
Rural areas may not think that they need dust solutions. But if the road has a lot of local and traveler traffic like forest service roads, mine haul roads, or equipment yards, local and state governments might disagree.
The booming housing market has neighborhoods popping up everywhere. Especially folks that are looking to escape the suburbs. But they might have an objection to some of the realities of rural areas.
DuraBlend on Spring Training
Parking Lot
The dirt parking lots at Spring Training facilities can be super dusty for fans unless a dust palliative is applied. We are proud to partner with Cactus League parks to make the powdery soil stay put.
Our Dust Solutions Include:
Ask Us About Our Dust Solutions!
Contact us at Desert Mountain Corporation for dust solutions for any industry. We work with government and private entities, the military, mining, oil and gas, hospitals, schools, and many more to ensure that roads are safe in winter and summer.
Questions? Email us at [email protected] or call (877) 718-3878.

Dust Solutions - Programs & Plans
Desert Mountain Corporation's Dust Solutions, Programs, and Plans offer the potential for significant cost reduction and may even achieve cost neutrality. We help our customers by integrating a range of products and application services to achieve the desired results.
When annual maintenance expenses are reviewed, they often reveal that the investment in dust control measures pays off, especially on roads with heavy traffic. When dust solutions like topical and mix applications are used, it decreases material loss and reduces the frequency of blade maintenance.
By maintaining a consistent dust control regimen, you not only ensure compliance with particle pollution standards set by authoritative bodies such as the CDC, EPA, and DEQ but also stand to make substantial long-term financial savings.

Benefits of a Desert Mountain
Dust Solutions Program
Some of the important benefits of a Dust Solutions Program and Plan with Desert Mountain:
- Minimizes aggregate loss
- Decreases expenditure on labor and equipment
- Lowers risk of vehicle damage
- Enhances long-term cost effectiveness with increased residual effects and decreased future application rates
- Boosts public relations
- Eliminates the need for constant watering, thus conserving water
- Diminishes occurrences of potholes and washboarding
- Utilizes non-toxic ingredients safe for humans, animals, and plants
- Tailored blends to suit specific climates or soil types
- Meets or surpasses PM-10 standards
- Enhances travel safety
- Reduces carbon footprint
- Mitigates dust in agricultural areas, particularly where dust mites are prevalent
Click the button below, or call our experts at (877) 718-3878
Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!
Mixed in with aggregates or recycled asphalt or applied topically, BaseBind® will stabilize roads and parking lots with long-lasting results. Ask us about BaseBind-X, BaseBind-2X, and BaseBind-3X - our advanced BaseBind solutions.