Emergency Dust Control – Who Do You Call?
Emergency dust control solutions are utilized in many rural areas, where fragile environmental conditions exist. If left in its natural state, rains and dry spells will form a crust on the top layer of soil, and vegetation will grow to help hold it in place. But when agriculture, livestock grazing, off-road vehicles, or other events disturb the soil’s natural state, high winds will cause a dust control problem.
Questions? Call Us at (877) 718-3878!
When fields or shoulders along busy roads or highways are disturbed, blowing dust can become an emergency dust control hazard – especially during monsoons, haboobs, or microbursts. Call Desert Mountain Corporation – we will address dangerous fugitive dust concerns with a variety of proven solutions – organic, inorganic, polymer, copolymer, and custom blends.
Response time is critical in weather-related emergency dust control situations.
Desert Mountain is prepared to act swiftly and efficiently.
Emergency Warehouse & Stockpile Locations
We’re prepared for all the emergencies that the weather can bring to road safety. Desert Mountain Corporation has offices and storage facilities located in nine cities across the Western United States for efficient routing of dust control products like RoadSaver, durablend, Road Loc, BaseBind, X-hesion, Surface-Loc, and Coherex. Need to report an emergency environmental situation? Here are links to the Department of Environmental Quality in our territories:
- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
- California Department of Environmental Quality
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
- Montana Department of Environmental Quality
- New Mexico Environment Department
- Utah Department of Environmental Quality
- Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Have an emergency snowfall or dust hazard situation? Call us at (877) 718-3878 and we will get an emergency deicing or emergency dust control solution for you – FAST.

Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990
Call Us at (877) 718-3878!