Lignosulfonate for Dust Control

Lignosulfonate for Dust Control

Have you considered lignosulfonate for dust control? 
If the dust control and stabilization products you’re using are not performing as your team would like, have you thought about trying Lignin? Treatment areas can differ greatly – even within a mile or two of each other – depending on soil type, traffic, and maintenance practices.


Naturally Occurring Product

Lignosulfonate is a naturally occurring polymer derived from lignin a by-product of the tree pulping industry. While in the tree, lignin acts like glue holding the cellulose fibers of pulp together – and that’s what it can do for your roads.

Just like in the tree, lig works as a dust palliative by binding the different sizes of road particles together when applied topically or mixed in. The water used to liquify lignin for application evaporates as it dries. That’s how it binds the dust to the larger aggregate with its high-viscosity, naturally sticky material.


Lignosulfonate for Dust Control
You Can See

  • Visible Application – When lignin is first applied it has a dark brown color that lets the public and your crew know where it has been applied. The color will fade as traffic and rain slowly wear down the application.
  • Sun Cured – Over time, some of the lignosulfonates can become completely insoluble due to solar heating.
  • Environmentally Safe – It is non-corrosive and non-toxic to nearby plants and wildlife when applied correctly.

Click the button below, or call our experts at (877) 718-3878.


Effective and Easy to Apply

More EffectiveLignin Sulfonate treatments tend to be more effective at suppressing dust and holding the road together than chlorides. Especially on gravel roads containing higher levels of fines and sand, like that in dry, arid climates like the Southwestern United States.

Blading Not Required – Although road prep (blading and rolling) will increase the quality of the road and its longevity, it can be used for ungraded areas and just applied topically.

Desert Mountain offers three different products with Lignosulfonate for dust control – Road Loc, Dura-Loc, and DMC Custom BlendDesert Mountain Corporation is the only authorized Western US distributor for the premier United States lignosulfonate manufacturer.


Road Loc is our highly successful lignosulfonate product


Dura-Loc is our custom blended solution that combines lignin sulfonate and eco-friendly polymers


DMC Custom Blend is specifically formulated with our best-selling products – Road Loc®, RoadSaver®, and other proprietary solutions.

Contact us to talk about how we can help you create a more eco-friendly, sustainable dust control, road, and soil stabilization plan with lignosulfonate.

Or give us a call at (877) 718-3878 to speak to someone today!

Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!