Road Loc Lignin for Road Stabilization and Dust Control
Road Loc is made from lignin sulfonate – a naturally occurring organic polymer. It binds the fine particles found in aggregate and natural soils preventing them from breaking out and creating fugitive dust. Road Loc from Desert Mountain Corporation fuses these particles to larger aggregate and natural soils preventing movement which aids in road stabilization and soil stabilization.

Benefits of Road Loc
Ask Us About Road Loc
Contact us at Desert Mountain Corporation for more information about Road Loc,
our lignosulfonate based dust control, erosion control, road stabilization, and soil stabilization product.
Questions? Email us at [email protected] or call (877) 718-3878.

Getting the Best Results from Road Loc
Road surface preparation is very important in all Road Loc applications. With the correct road preparation and conditions, the more successful the application will be in the long run.
The following five factors work together to achieve the best results in road building and maintenance with Road Loc:
- Quality and composition of aggregate
- Moisture
- Compaction
- Road preparation
- Application rate
Additional Advantages of Road Loc
Dust Suppression
- Keeps fines on road
- Better public relations
- Cleaner air
- Reduces dust to PM10 standard
Improved Road Quality
- Fewer potholes
- Less washboarding
- Ensure public safety
Road and Soil Stabilization
- Less loss of road base
- Reduces road maintenance
- More value for the dollar
Mine Haul Road - Road Loc Application
Fugitive dust is a major concern of any mining operation. Desert Mountain Corporation works with many of the busiest mines in Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. Our goal is to help them to reduce blowing dust and maintain safer roads. Road Loc, our lignosulfonate product comes from the tree pulping industry. It is a popular choice due to the natural binding properties of the lignin.
Road Loc Performance
When Road Loc is applied regularly as a part of an ongoing dust control program, application rates can decrease. Continual use will help reduce road base loss and build up the stabilized surface.
Building up the amount of Road Loc that is in a road will save money over time as less product will be required for the same benefits.
Road Loc helps prevent the formation of washboards and potholes. Over time, solar reactivity will harden Road Loc which greatly reduces solubility and product migration.

Health, Toxicity & Environmental
The main ingredient in Road Loc is Lignosulfonate, a naturally occurring biopolymer derived from lignin, a by-product of the tree pulping industry. While in the tree, lignin acts like glue holding the cellulose fibers of pulp together – and that’s what it can do for your roads.
Good dust and erosion control measures will reduce your maintenance and operating costs, and increase safety and protect the health of your employees.

Road Preparation for Road Loc
For dust control, Road Loc can be applied to the surface of the area being treated. It is recommended that the surface be free of potholes and washboards. To aid in penetration, the road should be pre-wetted to optimum moisture content. Additional preparation will be required for stabilization and use with Recycled Asphalt (RAP). Our experienced sales staff will assist with the requirements to ensure a successful project.
"When Road Loc is included in the planning for regular applications as a part of a dust control program, application rates can decrease. Continued applications will bind the fine particles together with the larger aggregate and help reduce road base loss."
Call Desert Mountain Corporation at (877) 718-3878 to learn more about Road Loc or
contact your local representative.

Areas of Use

Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!