Road Stabilization Is Crucial
For the health and safety of rural communities. When a dirt road is properly prepared and utilizes the right products to ensure its stability, residents can breathe easier, knowing that travel on the roads will be safer. Stabilization helps reduce the wear and tear on the surface of a road and contributes to its strength and longevity. An added benefit of gravel road stabilization is dust control. A treated road will also be healthier for those around it as less fugitive dust will be produced from the traffic.

Road Stabilization Benefits

Road stabilization benefits include more than a smooth driving surface. The benefits of road stabilization include:

Important Roads to Stabilize
When major routes through a county are on dirt roads, they have to be tended frequently—unless they have been treated. Grading, blading, and watering are all drastically reduced when eco-friendly road stabilization products are applied. Important roads to stabilize include:
Road Stabilization Products
Forest Service Road Stabilization DMC Custom Blend Mix-In
The US Forest Service has utilized a custom blended product from Desert Mountain for many years for road stabilization and dust control. DMC Custom Blend helps hold the road base together, binding the fines to the larger aggregate, keeping the it on the road.
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Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!