RoadSaver Magnesium Chloride Dust Control and Road Stabilization
RoadSaver is a high purity grade of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) used as a dust control, road stabilization, and soil stabilization agent. Magnesium chloride is a hygroscopic compound that attracts moisture from the air and resists evaporation. RoadSaver from Desert Mountain Corporation binds fine dust and aggregate to keep surfaces stable and dust-free.

RoadSaver Features and Benefits
Ask Us About RoadSaver
Contact us at Desert Mountain Corporation for more information about RoadSaver,
our magnesium chloride based dust control, road stabilization, and soil stabilization product.
Questions? Email us at [email protected] or call (877) 718-3878.

Achieving Optimum Results
Road surface preparation is extremely important in all RoadSaver applications. The better the road preparation and conditions, the more successful the application will be. The following five factors work together to achieve optimum results:
- Quality and composition of aggregate
- Moisture
- Compaction
- Road preparation
- Application rate
Additional Advantages of RoadSaver
Dust Suppression
- Keeps fines on road
- Better public relations
- Cleaner air
- Reduces dust to PM10 standard
Improved Road Quality
- Fewer potholes
- Less washboarding
- Ensure public safety
- Less loss of road base
- Reduces road maintenance
- More value for the dollar
RoadSaver Application on Mine Road
Busy mine roads can create a lot of fugitive dust. We help keep the dust down with RoadSaver, our magnesium chloride product. Here you can see it being applied with our Tracked Application Machine.
RoadSaver Performance
RoadSaver, our magnesium chloride product, provides excellent performance depending on the environmental challenge being faced. Such factors as temperature, humidity level, precipitation, and especially soil / aggregate type / gradation will impact the success or failure of one product versus another.
The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), in its Guidelines for Cost-Effective Use and Application of Dust Palliatives found that “magnesium chloride, while also hygroscopic, remains so at much higher temperatures and lower relative humidity than calcium chloride and therefore may be more suitable to dry climates.”

Health, Toxicity & Environmental
RoadSaver (magnesium chloride) is the least harmful of common dust suppressants to vegetation and groundwater according to independent studies conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. It is non-irritating and safer to handle and won’t cause burning or stinging associated with some of the other dust control products. RoadSaver is free of toxic metals and substances, is used as an ice control agent, and also as a fertilizer for crops such as turf and small grains.

Road Preparation for RoadSaver
By properly preparing the road for application, dust control or soil stabilization projects could last 2 to 3 times longer. Spending a little additional time and effort on the front end will eliminate unnecessary re-applications that would be required otherwise. Recommended techniques include blading the surface, eliminating potholes and washboarding, placing the right crown in the roadway, and pre-wetting the application area.
"When RoadSaver is applied regularly as a part of an ongoing dust control program, application rates can decrease. Continual use will help reduce road base loss."
For Use On:
Dirt Roads
Mining Haul Roads
Oil Field
Power Plants
Mine Tailings
Parking Lots
Military Projects
Stock Piles
Wind Farms
Compressor Sites
Walking Paths

The Desert Mountain team has the dust control, road stabilization, soil stabilization, and erosion control experience and expertise to apply or mix-in RoadSaver for optimum results.
Call Desert Mountain Corporation at (877) 718-3878 to learn more about RoadSaver
or our other dust control products.
Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!