Soil Solutions
Soil Solutions from Desert Mountain include erosion control, sediment control, and soil stabilization. From mine tailings to berms, construction sites to natural disaster recovery, we have the soil solution you need.

Erosion Control
One of the soil solutions we provide to our customers is erosion control. Keeping water, soil, and dust created by your company on your project site is our objective. Events like high winds, powerful monsoons or haboobs, heavy rains, and snow runoff can turn your excess dirt into a problem.
Treatment with the right dust palliative will prevent fugitive dust from blowing onto highways, neighborhoods, and other public areas. The areas below can be a source of wind or water erosion worry for neighbors, departments of environmental quality, and other government entities.
- Stockpiles
- Construction sites
- Overburden piles
- Tailings piles
Click the button below, or call our experts at (877) 718-3878

Sediment Control
The primary goal of sediment control is to protect waterways. This soil solution aims to stop soil and other sediments like construction debris from a building site from washing into gutters, down drains, and ultimately into waterways.
A good construction site sediment control plan will help minimize loss from building site stockpiles, improve building site conditions, and keep waterways healthy.
Sediment control measures are required by local governments in dust and sediment control plans in most major cities. Companies need to submit a dust and sediment control plan for state, county, and/or city approval before starting work.
Ask Us About Our Soil Solutions
Contact us at Desert Mountain Corporation to learn more about our soil solutions: erosion control, sediment control and soil stabilization. We work with government and private entities, the military, mining, oil and gas, hospitals, schools, and many more to ensure that earthen areas are safe and secure.
Questions? Email us at [email protected] or call (877) 718-3878.

Soil Stabilization
Empty areas of disturbed soil at construction sites, in fields, on large lots, or embankments with excess soil can cause a problem for the project lead or environmental team. If you have an area where there it will have traffic or there will be no foot or vehicle traffic, soil stabilization from Desert Mountain Corporation can help. We'll help your team to secure the fine particles so they won’t blow away when the winds kick up.

Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!