Soil Stabilization - Strengthen, Preserve, and Protect
Soil stabilization is used to improve the engineering properties
of soil to make it more secure and stable.

What Is Soil Stabilization?
The definition of “stable soil” depends on the area you’re discussing. For empty areas of disturbed soil in fields, on large lots, or embankments of excess soil from a mine or construction project where there will be no foot or vehicle traffic, soil stabilization from Desert Mountain Corporation may mean dust control—securing the fine particles so they won’t blow away when the winds kick up.

Preparation = Success in Soil Stabilization
For property and road construction, soil stabilization means properly preparing the road and shoulders with eco-friendly chemical additives to strengthen the soil for construction.
When the soil at a building or road site for construction is not suitable for the intended purpose, it could need any or all of the following: compaction, pre-consolidation, drainage, chemical treatment, and many other solutions.
Strengthen, Preserve, and Protect

Soil Stabilization Strengthens
When the soil is stabilized, it is stronger and safer. Stabilization is used to reduce the permeability and compressibility of the area in order to increase the load-bearing capacity. Areas that are stabilized for strength purposes include roads, highways, parking lots, earthen runways, buildings, oil field pads, and much more. The superior products we use to strengthen roads and building pads include BaseBind and Dura-Loc. These products will not only increase the strength of the entire road, it will build up the areas that frequently cause issues with breakouts and breakdowns.

Soil Stabilization Preserves
Construction projects often have dirt they need to store, from digging foundations, creating different elevations, leveling for buildings, or adding sidewalks. Mines have tailings storage areas that will be used when it is time to restore the mine. And roads that have a lot of use in rural areas need preserving to ensure safe transportation. We utilize Dura-Loc and Surface-Loc to secure embankments, berms, and sediment piles for many industries. These products create a crust on the soil to prevent blowing dust and erosion.

Soil Stabilization Protects
High winds will often kick up loose soil on and around busy gravel roads and major highways. If it is an area that will not have any foot or vehicle traffic, blowing soil can be stabilized with the application of our popular co-polymer, Surface-Loc. It creates a durable layer of protection similar to a light film and will prevent high wind dust-blowing events that close down highways and cause tragic accidents. It not only protects the road or lot, but it also protects those who live nearby or travel on the road.
Soil Stabilization - Building a Runway with Surface Loc
Desert Mountain was selected to help with soil stabilization while building a runway for an airfield. This airfield is designed as the first commercial spaceport in the world. We worked with first class contractors to build and stabilize a 12,000-foot by 200-foot runway that will be used for experimental aircraft and flights returning from space missions.
Soil Stabilization Products
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Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!
Mixed in with aggregates or recycled asphalt or applied topically, BaseBind® will stabilize roads and parking lots with long-lasting results. Ask us about BaseBind-X, BaseBind-2X, and BaseBind-3X - our advanced BaseBind solutions.