6 Ways to Keep It Country – Dirt Road Dust Control for Rural Residential Developments
As the population grows in rural areas, conflicts can develop between neighbors over the dirt roads into and around their homes and land. Some folks that are new to rural living want to see everything paved, while those that have been on the land for generations want the roads to remain the same. If neighbors can take a step back and agree on the main issues – dust control and dirt road stabilization – there are other options to consider. Here are 6 Ways to Keep It Country.
- Reduce speed limits by posting signs, curving roads, and/or installing speed humps
- Eliminate heavy vehicle traffic by relocating mailboxes, garbage collection, and school bus stops to paved roads, or to the beginning of the dirt road
- Close roads to thru traffic
- Water when necessary
- Grade regularly
- Use an environmentally friendly dust palliative that can withstand routine traffic

Desert Mountain works with homeowner’s associations in our 9-state region to satisfy the need for dust control and road stabilization while still having a country feel on the dirt roads. We have over 15 eco-friendly products that we can choose from to ensure that both the new and long-term residents are satisfied. Our products will help control blowing dust and will, over time, strengthen the roads with repeated applications.
Each state, county, and city have their own rules regarding the traffic volume required for dust control products to be applied to gravel roadways. The county website will have a list of the roads that they maintain and the criteria to have them maintain yours. It will usually be addressed when the vehicle traffic count exceeds 150-200 vehicles per day. Other things that factor into a decision to apply dust palliatives are if there is a residence within 500 feet of the dirt road or it is a school bus route.
Reach out to one of our dust control and road stabilization experts at (877) 718-3878 to learn how we can help with dirt road dust control for rural residential developments to keep the neighbors happy and keep your subdivision country.