MeltDown Liquid
MeltDown Liquid
For Deicing and Anti-Icing
MeltDown Liquid™ anti-icing and deicing solution from Desert Mountain Corporation is formulated with eco-friendly magnesium chloride and other high performance ingredients to ensure that anti-icing and deicing takes place when freezing temperatures are present.

MeltDown Liquid for Deicing
When applied according to recommended standards to black ice or frost conditions, MeltDown Liquid™ provides increased performance versus most other liquid products. Repeated applications may be required to completely melt accumulated snow and ice pack (depending on depth). This enables snowplows to break it up and get it off the roads.

MeltDown Liquid for Anti-Icing
As an anti-icer applied according to manufacturer recommendations prior to a storm, MeltDown™ Liquid can help prevent snow and ice from bonding to the road surface.
This provides higher service levels and reduces maintenance costs and patrol times. It also improves air quality by reducing or eliminating the need to use sand.
Melting Capacity research (see chart <) conducted using SHRP (Strategic Highway Research Program) procedures show that MeltDown™ consistently outperforms most other de-icing materials. Greater melting capacity means a longer-lasting product, which allows for the use of less product, increased coverage, and improved equipment utilization. (SHRP H2905.8)

Features and Benefits
Learn More About MeltDown
MeltDown Liquid can be applied directly to the road for anti-icing and deicing during a winter storm event, or as a pre-wetting agent for cinders, sand, and granular deicers. MeltDown Liquid magnesium chloride can help with your toughest icy winter road maintenance challenges.
Click on the brochure to download this resource.

Corrosion Peformance
The Pacific Northwest Snowfighters (PNS) coalition has adopted a test based on a modified version of NACE TM-01-69 to measure and rank de-icing chemicals in terms of relative corrosion toward ferrous metals.
In this test, distilled water and salt are assigned relative corrosion rates of 0 and 100 respectively, and deicing chemicals are ranked according to these two standards.
To be considered for use in the PNS states, a de-icer must score 30 or less (70% less corrosive than salt) on this scale.
In this test, MeltDown Liquid™ was found to be less corrosive than Rock Salt and CaCl2 (see chart <- on the left).

Environmentally Safe
MeltDown™ Liquid is among the least harmful of common de-icers to vegetation and groundwater according to independent studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is non-irritating, safer to handle, and won’t cause burning or stinging normally associated with alternative products.
MeltDown™ also meets or exceeds all the purity requirements as set by PNS. It is safer for use around plants and animals as well as being less harmful to road surfaces and metals when used as recommended. MeltDown™ Liquid is free of toxic metals and substances and is also used as a dust control agent and fertilizer for crops such as turf and small grains.