Mining Water Conservation and Dust Control
Mining Water Conservation and Dust Control Planning
Dust control and mining water conservation are major environmental and economic concerns for mining operations. Regardless of production levels, the dust on haul roads, tailings, stockpiles and other areas must be contained. Staff and neighbors alike benefit when blowing dust and water conservation are a priority. And so does the mine itself. Mines that use only water for fugitive dust treatment are incurring substantial costs like labor, wear and tear on equipment, and water bills that could be significantly reduced. The Mining Product: Dust Control Handbook for Industrial Minerals Mining and Processing from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) can help with the planning process.
What if watering doesn’t work?
If you’re using water alone, Desert Mountain Corporation has a water conservation plan that will impact your bottom line. But not all dust control products work well in every area that needs addressed. We can customize the perfect solution for each unique situation and application area of a mine. With the right planning, most mines can actually reduce their overall short and long term operational costs. Here are a few of the benefits of water conservation and dust control plans with our blended solutions versus using only water:
- Mining water conservation plans reduce water usage by 50% Critical in times of budget restrictions, drought or low water tablesmining water conservation
- Utilize water truck drivers elsewhere Free up drivers to perform more critical tasks
- Less wear and tear on equipment Using water trucks less will save on fleet fuel, maintenance and repair costs
- Improve site safety with better visibility When dust is blowing, there can be reduced visibility and safety can be a concern
- Improve community relations When less fugitive dust is blowing into town from the mine, complaint calls are reduced
- Less health issues for employees Those with health challenges will breathe easier with less dust
- Less material loss due to high winds Dust suppressants can lock down those berms and slopes so they don’t blow away
- Improve air quality scores Properly applied dust palliatives will improve critical government quality scores

Can You Afford to Keep Doing the Same Thing?
Desert Mountain has a wide variety of mining water conservation, dust control and road stabilization options utilizing our state of the art solutions. Applying our eco-friendly, cost effective solutions will improve the bottom line, public relations, employee health, and morale. Find your local sales representative here or call us at (817) 718-3878 to find out how we can provide cost effective solutions for your water conservation and dust control issues.