NEWS RELEASE: Desert Mountain Donates Dust Control Solution To Riverton Community Baseball Program

NEWS RELEASE: Desert Mountain Donates Dust Control Solution To Riverton Community Baseball Program

Desert Mountain Donates Dust Control Solution To Riverton Community Baseball Program

Eco-Friendly Soil Stabilization Solution Donated by Desert Mountain

Riverton, WY, July 25, 2016– Dusty parking lots won’t be a problem for Riverton’s Ron Saban Baseball Complex. Desert Mountain Corporation, a dust control, soil stabilization and ice melting solutions company founded in Riverton, donated the dust suppressant product and applied it to the parking lots at the baseball complex.

Desert Mountain has been a supporter of Riverton Little League throughout the years by sponsoring teams and donating parking lot and road treatments to keep the dust under control. League Executives are looking forward to the positive response from the visiting teams during this week’s District 1 Little League All-Star Tournament.

“Ensuring the safety and health of our community is one of the founding principles of our company,” said Paul Bessey, Desert Mountain Corporation President. “We’re pleased to be able to get the complex ready for the District 1 Little League All-Star Tournament and the other leagues that use the complex and fields.” Bessey joked, “It’s kind of a hazard of the trade. I’d come out to watch the games and notice that when the winds or traffic picked up the fugitive dust would start blowing. Our dust control solutions will make watching and playing here much more enjoyable.”

Desert Mountain Corporation provides dust control, soil stabilization and ice melting solutions for city and county public works, forestry departments, mining industry, roads and transportation departments, construction companies, aggregate facilities, and landfills throughout the Western United States and in South America. Desert Mountain has offices located in Riverton, Wyoming, Mesa, Arizona, and Farmington, New Mexico.

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