A Desert Mountain Corporation photo was selected to appear in the Winter 2018 Photo Contest for Mining Quarterly magazine. The contest featured submissions from all over the Western United States. The amazing photos showed mines in various stages of production…
Read MoreDon’t have room for a huge pile of Ice Slicer? No Problem! Getting your Ice Slicer in place for the winter doesn’t always mean a big pile of ice melt in a shed. Bagged Ice Slicer can be purchased in…
Read MoreDirt lot dust control for Spring Training ensures a pleasant time for attendees, players, and staff at Cactus League parks. Arizona had nearly 8,000 attendees at the 2018 games. That’s a lot of folks to move in and out on…
Read Moreby Kathy Miranda Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Punxsutawney Phil lied to us all. Just ask anyone who was in the path of Winter Storm Ryan last week. Ryan cut a wide path of winter weather from the Pacific Northwest all the way…
Read MoreAs the population grows in rural areas, conflicts can develop between neighbors over the dirt roads into and around their homes and land. Some folks that are new to rural living want to see everything paved, while those that have…
Read MoreTo ensure a successful project, here are a few times – that are true stories – when you shouldn’t apply dust control solutions. > On an unprepared road – When a road is worn down to no aggregate left, has numerous potholes,…
Read Moreby Kathy Miranda Desert Mountain was on hand for the construction of this unique runway in Southern New Mexico. Using Surface-Loc our co-polymer product, we worked with the engineering and construction firms to create a rock hard runway out of high clay content…
Read MoreGet ready for winter by ensuring you’re applying the correct amount of Ice Slicer to the roads. Desert Mountain has created this easy-to-use free eBook – “How to Calibrate Your Snowplow Salt Spreader” to help snowfighters get ready for the upcoming winter season. Included…
Read More2020 was a challenging year to say the very least. While we all rose to the challenge and discovered new ways to work, play, and share family time, sometimes it was easy to focus on the negative. We’d like to…
Read MoreWhen evaluating snow fighting costs, if you are only counting what you pay for deicing material like road salt as the cost of winter snow fighting, you’re only counting a small fraction of the costs. Deicing Material Did you know…
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