Ice Slicer Storage Recommendations
How You Store Ice Slicer RS Does Matter
In best case Ice Slicer storage situations, it would be kept in an inside storage facility such as a barn or shelter with a roof or tarp cover. However, it is not required, as Ice Slicer can be stored outside in the yard, in stockpiles.

When Stockpiling:
Ice Slicer storage should be stocked in a cone-shaped stockpile to allow it to shed water. The product may form a light crust on the outside. This can be broken up with a loader or can be broken up while the crew is mixing the material with sand/scoria materials.

It is recommended if using Ice Slicer as a stand-alone material, that there be a berm or containment wall to separate it from other yard materials.
In some areas, there are EPA requirements that materials be stockpiled on a barrier to avoid leaching. Please check your local EPA and State and Federal requirements regarding any requirements they may have.
Training is available for handling, usage, and Ice Slicer storage. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact your Desert Mountain representative.
Desert Mountain Corporation – Keeping Roads Safe Since 1990!